Basic usage

Once installed, the AllosMod protocol can be run by means of a command line tool (allosmod). Each component of the protocol is also a Python package, which can be called directly from other Python software (via import allosmod).


Running the basic protocol consists of three steps:

  1. Create a set of input files specifying the sequence to model, any structures to use as templates, and AllosMod parameters.
  2. Run allosmod setup to verify the inputs and generate a script file.
  3. Run the script file (typically on a Linux cluster) to set up the AllosMod energy landscape and generate Modeller input files to sample it. In some cases this sampling is then carried out; in others you will need to run Modeller on the input files.

Input files

Several input files are needed to run the protocol:

PDB files

All structures used to create the energy landscape for the simulation should be provided in PDB format.

Alignment file

This should be named align.ali and should contain one entry for each PDB file above (the align code, i.e. the part after the >P1; header, should match the PDB filename) and another entry (named pm.pdb) with the sequence to be simulated. This alignment file should be generated after an alignment procedure, as this alignment will be used to generate restraints for the simulation. Multiple chains can be specified by using a “/” as a separator, the same specifications used in MODELLER. There are many ways to create an alignment file including MODELLER and ClustalW.

WARNING Small errors in the alignment can cause big errors during a simulation due to energy conservation problems. Make sure there are no misalignments in which adjacent residues are aligned far apart in sequence (alignment programs often do this at the beginning or end of chains).

Structure list

All the PDB files used to create the energy landscape for the simulation should be listed in a file called list, one per line. Refer to the LIGPDB and ASPDB options in input.dat to define interactions in the allosteric site.

Ligand file

If desired, a ligand file (called lig.pdb) can be provided; this contains the structure of the ligand extracted from a ligand bound PDB file (defined by LIGPDB in input.dat). A radius (rAS) around the ligand is used to define the allosteric site. If lig.pdb is excluded, AllosMod will set up a landscape with as many energy minima as are described by structures in the list file.

AllosMod parameter file

This should be named input.dat and should contain one line per parameter as follows. All parameters are optional except for NRUNS.

is the number of independent simulations to run.
rAS = X
is the radius (in Ångstroms) around the coordinates of the ligand that will specify the allosteric site. If the file lig.pdb is included, the allosteric site will be calculated using rAS and the coordinates in LIGPDB. Therefore, lig.pdb must be extracted from LIGPDB.

can be one of:

simulation (Default)
A simulation is set up to be run later.
Sampling is performed using a quick, unequilibrated simulation. This quick sampling will give a representation of the types of conformations that are consistent with the modeled energy landscape. Set “SAMPLING = simulation” to predict the relative populations of the conformations at equilibrium.
delEmax = X
is the maximum energy for each pairwise atomic distance contact, typically between 0.09 and 0.12 kcal/mol. If not given or set to the special value “CALC”, the value will be assigned according to 3.6*(number of residues/number of distance interactions). See paper for more details.
is the PDB file used to define the allosteric site. AllosMod defines the allosteric site using the distance (rAS) from the effector (lig.pdb) with respect to the LIGPDB coordinates.
is the PDB file used to define the contacts in the allosteric site, i.e. the pairwise atomic distances in ASPDB are used to determine the nonbonded distance energy. As an example, to run an effector unbound simulation: 1) include the effector bound and unbound PDB files in align.ali and list, 2) set ASPDB to the effector unbound PDB file, and 3) set LIGPDB to the effector bound PDB file.
is the distance (in Ångstroms) that the atoms will be randomized when creating the initial structure (default is 1-10 Å depending on simulation type).
is the temperature (in degrees Kelvin) for the simulation (default is 300 K). Alternatively, set MDTEMP to “scan” and the simulation temperature will alternate between 300 K, 350 K, 400 K, 450 K, and 500 K. Therefore, directory 0 will have a 300 K simulation, directory 1 will have a 350 K simulation, and so on until directory 5 that will restart the sequence with a 300 K simulation.
BREAK = True/False
is an option to include chemical frustration (Weinkam et al. 2009 Biochemistry, p2394-2402). Chemical frustration is modeled by breaking all interactions involving buried, charged residues. Regions with many buried, charged residues will have high conformational variability.
if BREAK=True, this number is used to scale the contacts with residues that cause chemical frustration.
CHEMFR = cdensity/charge
if BREAK=True, this selects the type of chemical frustration to use. If set to ‘cdensity’ (the default) then a distribution of charged contacts per residue is calculated; all residues with a z-score above ZCUTOFF (see below) are predicted to cause chemical frustration. If set to ‘charge’ then all residues with a certain number of charged contacts are used.
if BREAK=True and CHEMFR=cdensity, this number is used to select which residues cause chemical frustration. ZCUTOFF is the z-score cutoff of the distribution involving the number of charged contacts per residue; residues with a z-score above this threshold are predicted to cause chemical frustration.
if set to True, secondary structure, corresponding to the input PDB files, will have increased stability in the simulation. Increased stability is maintained by increasing the energy by a factor of 10 for all Cα-Cα contacts between 2 and 5 residues apart.
COARSE = True/False
is an option to coarse grain the energy landscape by restricting the nonbonded distance energy to include Cα and Cβ atoms only. This allows very large proteins to be simulated without overwhelming the computer’s memory. This option is automatically set to True for proteins over 1500 residues.
is used to add additional restraints between residues. ADDITIONAL_RESTRAINT can be HARM, LOBD, or UPBD corresponding to distance restraints that are harmonic, lower bounded only, or upper bounded only, respectively. DISTANCE and STANDARD_DEVIATION corresponds to the distance (in Ångstroms) between two atoms in the residues specified in INDICES. If residue index is an amino acid, atom type will be CA, otherwise atom type will be the first present: N, P, C, or O. INDICES is a list of residue indices separated by commas. Restraints are added between each successive pair of indices, i.e. between i1 and i2, between i3 and i4, … The residue index corresponds to the position in the input alignment file. Therefore, if there are multiple chains, the index for the first residue in the second chain will be one more than the index for the last residue in the first chain (refer to any output PDB for simplicity).

Alter residue contact energies

If desired, a file break.dat can be provided, which contains a list of residues whose pairwise contact energies (delEmax) will be scaled by a specifed value. Each line contains one residue index (corresponding to simulated sequence) in the first column and one scaling factor in the second column. For example, to reduce all contact energies for residue 30 by 90 %, break.dat would have one line with “30 0.1”. break.dat is created automatically by setting BREAK=True, however, the user may specify any desired residues and scaling factors by including break.dat in a batch run.

Set up AllosMod protocol

Once all the input files are prepared, run allosmod setup in the directory containing them. The allosmod command line tool provides many subfunctions (use allosmod help to list them all). allosmod setup will check the input files for problems, and if they all look OK, it will generate a script file called This script can be run on any Linux machine, although it is intended to be run on an SGE cluster using something like qsub -S /bin/sh -l arch=linux-x64 -cwd -t 1-N, where N is the value of NRUNS in input.dat.

This script file will set up the AllosMod landscape. If SAMPLING in input.dat is set to ‘simulation’ (the default) MODELLER input files are generated. These can then be run to perform the simulation. Otherwise, the sampling is performed by itself.